For some reason, I've been thinking of Halloween lately. Normally I'm not "into" halloween so much but this year - well here's some centerpieces I've done this past week:
I cut off the top of the pumpkin when I took the photo - but you get the idea. The centerpiece is made from glass bowls, plates and goblets. The pumpkin was purchased at Hobby Lobby, and the leaves were some I had from last year.
The witch was purchased at Gordmans Dept. store; more glass bowls and plates.
I've revealed the third centerpiece before the decorations were added. This one is made of glass plates, a glass vase, a glass bowl and a glass jar I had "saved". The stuffed pumpkin and leaves were leftover decorations from last year.
Last, but not least is the glue I used to put them all together. I purchased it at JoAnn's and it will glue almost anything - wood, glass, fabric, paper, etc. I should purchase stock in the company before I recommended it because if you try it you will probably like it as much as I do.
btw, some of the vases, glasses and plates I already had, but the Goodwill store is a great place to find the clear glass plates, bowls, goblets, etc. But don't buy them all, as I will want to make more of these.
Also, I didn't attach any of the decorations permanently as I will change the decorations around and on the centerpieces for each season. I can't wait to put together some for Christmas.
They would make great gifts as well - I plan on taking one to my brother's house when we go for Thanksgiving dinner this year. A nice host(est) gift wouldn't you say!