Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving tradition, quote, zentangle


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For several years now, our family has celebrated Thanksgiving on the Sunday after the traditional Thanksgiving.  We found as our children grew up, married and had children that it was so difficult for them to divide their time between their "inlaws".  Thus our Thanksgiving celebration moved which has worked out beautifully because we get to celebrate with more of our family members and they come to the table "hungry" rather than stuffed with food from all the other dinners on the same day.   My hubby and I are just ready to get into the car - bringing with us the persimmon pudding that I make each year.  Persimmon Pudding is one of our traditions and I enjoy making it from my Mother's recipe. 

So from me to you - Happy Thanksgiving Day (again).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how there are points on one side and curves on the other side. Very fun.